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Connect with like-minded individuals and make your expressions count on Exprescial.

Try it now. Download the App.

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Exprescial profile
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Exprescial widgets

Express Yourself!

Start by creating your profile and adding your interests. Stand out and express yourself with our cards! These interactive cards are a fun and easy way to customize your profile with style beyond photos and videos. With new cards added continuously, you can choose from a variety of cards to show your interests and hobbies. Show off your unique personality and stand out from the crowd with our cards.


Our app uses advanced algorithms and AI-based filtering to help you find the most relevant people, topics, and activities that interest you. 


Easily search for people based on your specific interests, allowing you to make meaningful connections and find people with whom you can share your passions. Whether you’re looking for someone to join you on a camping trip or just chat about the latest trends, Exprescial can help you find the perfect connection. 

exprescial food blogger
Exprescial bio card
Exprescial profile
Exprescial mods

Next-Gen Social

Adding mods will help you connect with more people, faster and easier. Chat with anyone in the app with just a simple “Hi”, or ask one of our AI chatbots with their own personalities to tell a joke or break the ice and start a conversation. 

About Us


At Exprescial (Express+Social), our mission is to revolutionize the world of networking by providing a platform that lets people express themselves, share their interests, and connect with like-minded individuals from around the world.

The app uses plugins style micro widgets to build profiles or add unique capabilities to your profile. Imagine, you don't like the existing AI algorithm which recommends you friends. Maybe you want something that recommends friends based on common likes or dislikes? All this could be possible using the plugin style next generation networking app Exprecscial. You can change the matching algorithm, customize an interactive profile beyond just photos and videos or integrate plugins while chatting with your friends. 

Chatting with generative AI-based bots might be a fun experience but it's better with friends. Imagine including bots in conversation with your friends so both of you can enjoy and have fun. You can use bots as an ice breaker when meeting someone new or do much more, possibilities are infinite. 

All this is now possible with Exprescial where you can express, be social, and be special! 

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